Ministry Needs
Like all ministries, we have needs. We make no money from the ministry that we do and rely completely on the support of people like you.
We are a ministry of helps and do our best to not be a burden to the people and groups that we work with.
Our Alpha Generation ministry requires the most support as it requires new technology, comes with many travel expenses, and is all done at no cost to the groups that we work with.
Here is a list of some of our current needs:
-Computer Tower (Mac)
-Video Cameras
- GoPro Hero 5 Black (Have 2, need 5 total)
-Memory cards (SD/Micro SD 64gb or larger with high speeds)
-Travel finances
-Biggest need right now: 2019 Toyota Rav4 for traveling across country on all terrains.
See our Amazon Wish List HERE
See Our Toyota Rav 4 Here